Free Software / Open Source Software

1 History of Open Source Software
Initially Pls IBM sold the first large scale commercial computer in 1960, IBM Some Came up with free software, that is freely (freely) Were Distributed Among users, ranging from source code, and later improvisation and modification. In the late 1960s, the situation began to change after collecting software IBM Software started And The mid-1970s, the software is getting Used to the non-free software Which Causes the user is not Permitted to distribute software, source code provided Is not That so the User Can not Modify the program (software).
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, two Different groups began to form based on Open Source Software are:
a. U.S. eastern seaboard, Richard Stallman, a programmer formally MIT AI Lab, and Resigned launched the GNU Project and Free Software Foundation. The basic aim of the GNU Project is to build a Free Operating System (free) and Richard started with the coding of Standard Chartered Bank of programming tools (compilers, editors, etc.). As a legal tool, the GNU General Public License (GPL) was Designed not only to Ensure That Remains the resulting GNU software is free, but Also to develop the production of free software. In terms of philosophy, Richard Stallman wrote the GNU manifesto Also, the availability of ranging from-source code and the freedom to distribute and Modify the software is a fundamental principle is.
b. U.S. west coast, Computer Science Research Group (CSRG) from the University of California at Berkeley are developing a Unix system and build a number of applications Which Became Known as "BSD Unix". This business is fully funded by DARPA (the contract) and a UNIX hacker networks around the world community to help in debugging, maintaining and improvisation system. For Some time, the software is not distributed outside the community of license holders from AT & T Unix. But late in the 1980s, software distributed under the BSD license Finally, one of the first open source licenses. Unfortunately, Every time the user requires a license from AT & T UNIX BSD Unix, since Some Parts of the kernel and a number of Important utilities, is required for Usable Which systems remain a non-free software (secret).

Throughout the 1980s Until the early 1990's, open source software continued its development, starting from A Few isolated groups. USENET and the Internet to help in coordinating efforts Between the States and build a strong user community. Studio albums Slowly in studio albums, much the software has been developed starting to integrate. The result of this integration, the complete environment Can be built on UNIX as the use of open source software. In many cases, systems administrators began to replace the standard tools with a GNU program. At That Time, many applications start to be the best (UNIX utilities, compilers, etc.).
During the year 1991-1992, the overall scope and development of open source software in general, has Begun to change.
Two interesting events Happened That even though Different Communities:
1. In California, Bill Jolitz That fail to implement the distribution of Net / 2, Until the ready to run on i386 machines. Net / 2 are the result of efforts to obstruct CSRG "BSD Unix" (copyright free code from AT & T). Bill Called his work with the results and rapidly 386BSD preferred over BSD and UNIX communities. 386BSD not only consists of the kernel, but other utilities Also, Which make a complete operating systems. This work comes with the BSD License Which makes it come to a flat form for free software. Also 386BSD consists of other free software licenses (for instance the GNU compiler).
2. In Finland, Linus Torvalds, a student of computer science, was not happy with Tanenbaum's Minix, implementing the first version of the Linux kernel. Then, many people begin to collaborate to make this kernel Becomes more useful and added a lot of utility to furnish the GNU / Linux, the operating system real. Used Linux kernel and applications are protected by the GNU GPL.

Year 1993, GNU / Linux and 386BSDmenjadi flat stable form. Since then, to develop into 386BSD began a family of operating systems based on BSD (NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSB), the kernel is developed and brought into use Nowhere on the distribution of GNU / Linux (Slack ware, Debian, Red Hat, Suse , Mandrake and others). Also this year the Emergence of GNOME and KDE, Which Is Used as a Project That Is Used for high quality.
The late 1980s, was an exciting year Which started to respect the open source software. System based on open source GNU / Linux or BSD began public acclaim and Became a real alternative for owners of the system, Competing head-on with the market leader at That Time (Standard and Poor 'Windows NT Server).

2.2 Definition of Open Source
Not easy to define the word Open Source Software in just A Few words, this is Because many categories and variants That are still there. But this is not too complicated Because the basic idea is simple.
2.2.1 General Idea of Open Source Software
in Home, has an ambiguous meaning free software, of words That Can Free Itself means freedom or free. Therefore, We Will use the concept of Open Source based on the user's freedom in using, distributing, and Others as well as software for free (no charge).
The main feature of the Characteristics of free (open source) is the freedom of the user to:
- Use the software as he wishes, for whatever they want want, on multiple computers in a Technically appropriate situation.
- That Is Having the software available as needed. Course includes improvisation, fixes bugs, zoom function and operation documentation.
- Distribute software to other users, to Be Used on on their needs based on. Distribution Could be free, OR for a fee.

2.3 Advantages and disadvantages of Open Source Software
Motivation of the use and development of a wide range of open source software, from philosophy and reason to the problem of practical ethics. Usually, the first perceived benefits of open source model is the fact That the availability of open source was created for free or at low costs.
2.3.1 Open Source Software Benefits
Some of the Characteristics That LED to the Open Source model to benefit:
a. Availability of source code and rights to Modify
This Is Important. This caused a change and improvisation in software products. In Addition, it brought the possibility to put the code on new hardware, so That Can be adapted to the changing situation, and reaches an understanding how the system works in detail.
b. The right to distribute the Standard and Poor modifications and Improvements to the code
This is a point of difference in Open Source Software with Free Software. In fact, the distribution rights are recognized and are commonplace, this is a collections of Things That affect developers (developers) to Work together in the Open Source Software projects.
c. The right to use the software
It is a combination of distribution rights, guarantee (if the software is quite useful), Some users Which helps in creating a market for software support and subscription. Also this helps in improvisation and improvisational quality of the product by function. Besides it will from from Cause Some users to try the product and use it regler May.

2.3.1 Losses on Open Source Software
Some of the Characteristics That LED to the Open Source model to benefit:
a. There is' No guarantees of development
Pls starts usually occurs a project without strong support from one or Trust companies, allowing a gap Pls beginning source code is still crude and basic development is still in development.
b. Issues relating to intellectual property
At present, Some countries receive the software and algorithms That patented acres. It is very Difficult to know if Some of the main ways to solve software problems on the patented so Some Communities That May be Considered guilty of the violation of intellectual property.
c. Difficulty in knowing the status of project
Not many ads for open source software, usually indirectly projects handled by A Few Companies That Are Able to invest and do marketing.

2.4 Licenses of Open Source Software
Some General license on-the-open-source software, namely:
a. BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
In summary, the distribution along Can be done with the associated software, including the use of the product properties. Creator just want on on their work recognized and without requiring a fee. This Is Important Because this license does not involve Some restrictions to Ensure and oriented in the beginning of the open source derivatives.
b. GPL (GNU General Public License)
This Is a license for the Software That take shelter In the distribution of the GNU Project. Today We Can still find / found a lot of software not related to the GNU Project. GPL is carefully Designed to promotes the products of free software and it explicitly prohibits Because Some actions That Can damage the integration of GPL software on proprietary software programs (ownership). GPL, based on International Law That ensures on on their implementation. The main Characteristics of the GPL Covers distribution, but only if the souce code is available and Also secured; and allow distribution of source; modification without restrictions and allows complete integration with other software.
c. MPL (Mozilla Public License)
This is a license made by Netscape in distributing the code from the Mozilla, the new version of navigator network. Many respects similar to the GPL but is more oriented to enterprise-level companies.
d. Many of the other: Qt (by Troll-Tech), the X Consortium. Etc.

2.5 Intellectual Property of Open Source Software
Generally in the case of information technology, issues related to intellectual property rights (intellectual property) is Important for the Open Source software. Of the four That Mechanisms of international law provides protection, only three (copyright, patents and trademarks) That Can be Used for open-source software. Fourthly, with a secret (trade secret), is a mechanism, That is not quite sufficient for Open Source Software, Because it contains obscurity for open source software or contain restrictions on the modification or the distribution of derivative reselling and projects.
2.5.1 Open Source and Copyright Law
Copyright changed from a common method of protection for software products. Indeed, the Open Source licenses Can be applied, Because they want want use it, in one or Trust forms of copyright law. The basis of this usage is simple: copyright law, by default, does not allow the distribution (and use it for free) from the Software Itself.
The only way the distribution That Can be done is to grant special permission in the license. And in the license That Could force distributors to meet certain conditions. Way of how this open source licenses work. They use this mechanism to be conducted under certain conditions, based on its creator (like the BSD), with liability in the distribution of Some derivatives of the Same as the original project license (Standard and Poor 'the GPL).
Most, open source licenses are Designed based on the laws of the United States. Recently, Some research has been done Regarding its application in China Trust countries. This Issue Is Important for the progress of the Open Source, Because many of the Open Source model depends, in many comparisons, as well as the validity of Open Source licenses.
Also the 'there is an interesting issue in relation to copyright in a specific interface, Which Affects the operation of open-source programs with ownership issues. In Some cases, Trust Companies have been forced to Provide for the entry of the access of information for programs running That acre or the operating system, by allowing developers to extend and integrate software components or systems within on on their programs. This information is usually protected and are sold at developers registered Were WHO, Maintained control of the WHO and Nowhere will from from the information leak out.

2.5.2 Open Source and Software Patents
Software Patents, usually occurs Pls help the software inherit the low-algorithm, can be Easily found by many developers, this presents a serious threat to individual open source developers and small companies Themselves, Which are not capable of working in the trial costs in his establishing software. Ironically, this situation more complicated for Becomes Open Source Software as compared to ownership of the software black box, Because the code Itself Can be accessed by the patent holder Itself.
In most cases, companies and individuals trying to obtain exclusive rights based on patents via a particular technology, and recently, more and more patents on the basic algorithms and procedures have been inherited, primarily in the United States. We believe That this is a dangerous practice, not just for Open Source software in general, but Also for the software industry and software practitioners in general.
Open Source Software Will usually from Easily changed from an attack in terms of a patent, Because only A Few That source-based companies have the financial Ability to protect against attacks Themselves In The patent lawsuit. Also, if the patents is raised on the technology or technique That is very broad, it is possible to outsmart the patents and created a free alternative to patents.


Computer Engineering

Computer engineering (CE) students study the design of digital hardware and software systems including communications systems, computers and devices that contain computers. For them, programming is focused on digital devices and their interfaces with users and other devices. An important area within computing engineering is the development of embedded systems. Devices such as cell phones, digital audio players, digital video recorders, alarm systems, x-ray machines, and laser surgical tools all require integration of hardware and embedded software, and are all the result of computer engineering.

Computer engineering majors are offered by a fairly large number of universities, almost always within engineering. This major requires significant study of mathematics.


Video game

A video game is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device. The word video in video game traditionally referred to a raster display device. However, with the popular use of the term "video game", it now implies any type of display device. The electronic systems used to play video games are known as platforms; examples of these are personal computers and video game consoles. These platforms range from large mainframe computers to small handheld devices. Specialized video games such as arcade games, while previously common, have gradually declined in use.

The input device used to manipulate video games is called a game controller, and varies across platforms. For example, a dedicated console controller might consist of only a button and a joystick. Another may feature a dozen buttons and one or more joysticks. Early personal computer games often needed a keyboard for gameplay, or more commonly, required the user to buy a separate joystick with at least one button. Many modern computer games allow, or even require, the player to use a keyboard and mouse simultaneously.

Video games typically also use other ways of providing interaction and information to the player. Audio is almost universal, using sound reproduction devices, such as speakers and headphones. Other feedback may come via haptic peripherals, such as vibration or force feedback, with vibration sometimes used to simulate force feedback.


Windows 8 Now It Begins Its Development

After considerable success with the release of Windows 7, Microsoft is now re-launch his new project is the construction Windows eighth generation successor. In a Russian website, Wzor mentions that the Redmond Company is now apparently stuck in the middle of the development of Windows 8 and is now doing reassembly Windows. Wzor itself is a source of accurate information that records information from the development process which is now being conducted by the giant software company.

Reported to the Redmond company is conducting the experiment with Windows 8, which also offer Builds months ago: 7702.0.100126-1751, 7703.0.100127-1845, 7704.0.100128-1900 and 7705.0.100129-1930.
To Build 7705.0.100129-1930 itself has been compiled on January 29, 2010 last. Microsoft itself has not been willing to confirm or deny the fact that the information presented by Wzor really valid.

However, the Redmond Company has confirmed that in early 2009, they have started planning the development of Windows 8, and it makes sense to start the actual development process because more than half a year after the finalization of Windows 7 was launched. Previously this information leak revealed that Microsoft is active.

Information and screenshots on the Build 6.1.7700.0.100122-1900 for Windows clients and servers have been issued.
Windows Vista users already know that Build 6.1.7700.0.100122-1900 replacing RTM milestone in the development of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

Information leaked by a program manager who worked on a team of Windows (Windows Update) shows that Sinofsky was looking for the concept of superiority of Windows 8 after defeating all generations of Windows ever. Hmmm, we just have to wait its action.


Installing Linux Debian 4 (GUI / TEXT)

1. The first boot cdrom, and insert the cd install debian.
2. Type the Installgui (for the graphical installation) or Type Install (for text-based installation) and then enter.
3. After it would Appear That use of language options, select only the American Home.
4. Then Came The choice of countries, select Indonesia through the other - Asia - Indonesia.
5. Next comes the keyboard option is Used, select only the American Home.
6. Then come the will of network configuration, select configure a network manually and enter the IP Address, Netmask, Gateway, and DNS Server IP Address.
7th. Enter the hostname, eg electric rat.
8. Enter the Domain name.
9. That after the installation process run will of the method of partitioning a hard drive, choose the partition manually.
10. Enter the appropriate measures you want, for example: For / root given the 20 GB, for
/ Home 8GB, and for / swap is two times the RAM. Owned eg RAM 512 so We fill
size for the / swap of 1024 MB.
11. Next the process of formatting will of take place. and end with the Finish Partitioning.
12. Then comes election time zone, select the Jakarta 2007 GMT.
13. After it appears the root password, fill in the root password.
14. Full name new account, to add a new user.
15. Use a network mirror, for this part just choose NO.
16. Choose software to install, just choose the default "standard system".
17. Then install the GRUB loader is normal used to select the OS That will from a first run at boot time. With a note if We use a dual boot.
18. Installation complete.
19. Debian Linux restart and ready for use ...

good luck ...
if you have trouble please ask the person who knows better


VGA Card

VGA card (Video Graphics Adapter) allows you to translate the output (output) to a computer monitor. For drawing / graphic design or to play games.
Growth & Development Hardware
VGA CARD consists of two types:
The development of onboard VGA
VGA is onboard processing unit that has integrated on the motherboard, the VGA card is not needed anymore. The presence of an onboard VGA chipset is not fixed because the onboard VGA can be adjusted to inactive if the user wants to install the VGA card that he wanted.
Since the original IBM PC was born in 1981 almost all PCs have a separate memory for frame buffer, the memory block where the image is mapped out on the monitor screen. This is not a problem for a system that has a monochrome video-based character, because the frame buffer is needed only 2 KB. But the GUI (Graphical User Interface) based on modern graphics that require the display bit mapped high resolution and true color is very greedy of memory. Screen resolution 640 x 480 pixels with 8-bit color frame buffer request for 300 KB, while the screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels with 24-bit color requires 2.25 MB of memory.
Dedicated frame buffer, measuring equipment. No matter which display mode is being used, the frame buffer must be able to accommodate the highest resolution and color depth of the best that can be supported. Software can not use the rest of the frame buffer memory is used despite the low resolution and 16 colors.
This is caused by way of Video Memory packaging and configuration of specialized graphics subsystems. Thus, to the Mega-mega bytes of memory wasted. UMA (Unified Memory Architecture) unites with the main memory frame buffer. By allocating sufficient RAM to handle the display mode being used. UMA introduces the use of frame buffer memory for the rest of other purposes. Eliminating the dedicated frame buffer is expected to reduce the cost required to buy a PC. Many chipsets that have supported / using UMA technology, such as Weitek, optimistic, VLSI, SiS, Cirrus Logic, etc... The fact that must be accepted is a UMA system degrade the performance of your PC, this occurs when the CPU and graphics controllers to access main memory at the same time. Therefore UMA system is provided primarily for Low End PC systems are cheap.
Development of Independent VGA (with VGA card)
Since the first IBM PC system, there must be a unit within the computer graphics card, either CGA, EGA, MCGA, VGA, or the other. By using independent VGA card / not onboard then we will get better performance than systems that use UMA. Along with the development of computer technology, technological developments in the field of graphic card (VGA Card) is also growing rapidly. If you had an 8-bit graphics card with 512 KB memory that can display 256 colors at 640 X 480 resolutions is enough, then not anymore. Size for Chip Set / processor on the graphics card not just 8 or 16 bits, has now reached 128 bits. The ability of graphics cards has increased further. Minimum Requirements for a multimedia computer is 64 bit graphics card with 1 MB of memory.
VGA card using several kinds of memory such as:
DRAM (Dynamic RAM)
speed 80 ns or 70 ns, there is also an MD-RAM (Multiple Dynamic RAM) that uses DRAM layered. DRAM is used in many graphics cards 8, 16, or 32 bits. The use of DRAM is intended for entry-level computer language levels, which does not require a high speed and lots of color.
speed 60 ns to 35 ns, EDO RAM can be easily found on 64-bit graphics card. EDO RAM is generally used has a 60 MHz speed 60/40ns. Examples of VGA cards that use EDO memory is WinFast S280/S600 3D, Diamond Stealth 3D 2000, ATI Mach 64, etc...
VRAM (Video RAM)
speed 20 or 10 ns, VRAM is more expensive than DRAM because of VRAM is faster than DRAM. Use of VRAM on the VGA card is intended for upper-class computer. Mounted on the ordinary VRAM VGA concentrated to graphic design. Examples of using the VGA card is the Diamond Fire GL VRAM, Diamond Stealth 3D 3000 Diamond Stealth 64, and so on.
SGRAM (Synchronous Graphics RAM)
speed less than the 10 ns, SGRAM VGA card is also based on SDRAM technology in the computer's main memory. SGRAM is widely used in high-class graphics cards that have a 3D accelerator capabilities. Examples of the VGA card that uses SGRAM is a Matrox MGA Millennium, Matrox Mystique 3D, Diamond Stealth II S220, Diamond Viper, ASUS 3D Explorer, ATI 3D Rage II Pro, etc..
Rambus VGA card usage on the computer is still small (Rambus is the memory used on gaming machines Nintendo, Sega, so far only the production of graphics cards Creative Labs (MA-302, MA-332 3D Graphics and Graphic Blaster Blaster xXtreme) who use them.
Chipset / VGA card processor, so many kinds because each VGA card manufacturer has its flagship chipset.
There are many manufacturers such as NVIDIA chipset VGA card, 3DFX, S3, ATI, Matrox, SiS, Cirrus Logic, Number Nine (# 9), Trident, Tseng, 3D Labs, STB, OTI, and so forth.
Graphic Accelerator
Chipset-chipset today already includes built-in 3D acceleration capabilities of the VGA card. In addition to the VGA card, there is now a computer peripheral called 3D accelerator support. 3D accelerator functions to process / translate the data / image in a more perfect 3D. 3D accelerator whose existence does not require IRQ longer able to perform manipulation-manipulation of complex 3D graphics. For example in 3D games could be shown a much more realistic image. Because a lot of 3D graphics processing functions previously performed by the processor on the motherboard, is now done by the 3D graphics processor on the 3D accelerator. With the division of labor is then the processor can do more work processing the other. In addition the programmer does not need to create 3D graphics functions, because the function is already provided by the 3D accelerator. 3D VGA chipset on the card is not as good when using the 3D accelerator, as its supporter (3D accelerator installed separately along with a VGA card). Even so Chipset 3D VGA card also supports the 'few' facility 3D acceleration 3D accelerator.
As a cautionary notes that, 3D accelerator function would be optimal if the software / game that is run using special functions in the 3D accelerator. Software / games that support these facilities began to grow, which is famous for is support for 3D accelerator with 3D FX Voodoo chipset, rendition Verite, and Permedia 3D Labs.


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