OpenSUSE is a community version of Linux distributions are supported and sponsored by Novell. OpenSUSE is a Linux distro and the free open-source development is the basis for commercial Linux distribution supplied by Novell, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) and SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED).

One major advantage of OpenSUSE compared to other Linux distributions is the completeness of the library and an Abundance of Software That Is included. Together with Red Hat, SUSE Linux distribution is an early version That continues to survive and develop "Until now.
Many people are Afraid to use OpenSUSE Because of the bias on the license Used. OpenSUSE is a free Linux distributions and open source. Cans OpenSUSE be Used Freely and without cost. If a company or institution wants Variants SUSE-based distributions are accompanied by support support, available SLES and SLED. That feature is stable and has been tested on openSUSE is the foundation of the software That comes on SLES and SLED.
Is there a difference Between SLED, SLES and OpenSUSE That Is the version of the community? Apart from the support and little difference in appearance, Almost no fundamental difference, Between the version of the community with a commercial version. We still use OpenSUSE Cans in full without fear of reducing the quality and completeness.
If you want a Linux distribution That is stable, easy to perform hardware detection, Easily manageable and fully supported by the community of developers around the world and has the support of sponsors from big companies, try OpenSUSE.
The first time using the UNIX / Linux, EACH user must enter the login and password That Previously Had to be registered to the system administrator. Login name is generally limited to 8 characters and use lowercase. At the DOS operating system, WHO EACH user uses a computer has never asked the login and password, Because DOS was not Designed for multi-user systems. While the UNIX / Linux, since the beginning of its development it is intended for multi-user systems are equipped with reliable That security system.

1. login
Function: to get into the network
Description: EACH legitimate users of UNIX systems have a user identification
own (ID).

2. password
Function: Enter the password after login.
Description: For new users registered by the SUPER-USER, the user does not need to enter a password. To maintain confidentiality, typing the password is not displayed on the screen. If a user does not have the right or enter the wrong password it will from from the show a message: Login incorrect

3. WHO
Function: to know the list of currently active users (login)
Description: WHO command will from from WHO's list of the user logged in just by showing the user name, terminal ID, and time of EACH log.

4. finger
Function: finger has Almost the Same functionality with who, it's just finger
Provide user identity information is more complete Than the WHO.

5. logout
Function: To exit the system
Description: Pls terminate a user will from the use of the terminal Should run this command, so That the permissions on the log in its not misused by others Who Are not eligible.

6. exit
Function: To exit the system
Description: same as the command log out.

7. whoami
Function: to find out WHO the user is currently logged on a computer / terminal
Description: Used Pls find a terminal you That has not logout or exit and Want to know whose terminal is enabled.

8. date
Function: Indicates or sets date
Description: Report or set the system date and time. If no arguments are specified, will from several reported date and time now.

9. cal
Function: print calendar starting in 0000 s / d 9999
Description: make a calendar month and year specified. When the moon is not included, then made a calendar for 1 year.

10. ls
Function: display the list of files in active directory.
Description: This command displays information about the earnest of directories and files. Simple form of the ls command will from display only the file name. Long form is characterized by using the options -1, the earnest from the which displays the file names along with information for EACH file displayed.

11. chmod
Function: change file protection
Format: chmod number file name

12. clear
Function: clear the screen.
Format: clear

13. cmp
Function: compare file1 and file2 and report the difference.
Format: cmp file1 and file2
Description: This command will from not report anything if the files are identical, but if there is a difference, then it will from be reported.

14. cp
Function: copy file1 to file2
Description: cp earnest copy from one file to another file or to copy a file or
more, into a directory.

15. rm
Function: delete files
Format: rm filename

16. mv
Function: move file1 to file2
Format: mv file1 file2
Description: mv earnest move from one file to another file or move a file or more, to a directory

17. paint
Function: display the contents of a file (same as the TYPE command in DOS)
Cat serves to print to the screen the contents of a text file. If the file seen use this command is not a text file then it will from the characters come out weird on the screen. To Avoid strange characters printed Paint Cans-use command-v

18. more
Function: display the contents of text files per screen
Format: more filename
Description: more displays the contents of the file from a perform certain point and then displays the rest of the files on the CRT as much as one page every time. EACH full CRT screen the appearance of the file will from a stop and wait for us to type a character or return.

19. head
Function: head command is Used to display the first 10 rows from a text file.

20. tail
Function: tail command is Used to display 10 lines of a text file.

21. history
Function: print commands before Not all versions of UNIX Provide this command. The command history recall of Cans to be Used Previously Executed commands. This command Cans Also be Used to run a command again without retyping.

23. toilet
Function: count the number of words, number lines and number of characters in a file
Format: wc filename

24. alias
Function: to change the name of the command

25. man
Function: Abbreviation of the manual the which is to display help information for all UNIX commands. This command is very useful for any UNIX user Because it helps to recall the UNIX commands.
Format: man command name

26. grep
Function: search the contents of a file in any directory
Format: grep-n 'filename' in-directory
Description: grep Earnest look for a variable in a particular row, in any directory in all file. Grep is very useful to find specific words in multiple documents or finding the existence of a variable in a group program.

27. rmdir
Function: remove directory
Format: rmdir directory name
• To login to the root:
$ Su
and press enter
• Mount USB:
$ Mount-t vfat / dev/sda1 / mnt / usb
• Unmount USB:
$ Unmount / mnt / usb
To create a network user, please do the Following:
1. Open a console / terminal (ALT + F2, console or ALT + F2, gnome-terminal)
2. Login as root and run the Following command (replace username with the name You Want):
1.useradd username
2.passwd username
3.smbpasswd-a username
1.service smb restart
To access the files newly built Linux servers We can use the Same Way Pls accessing the Windows Server, for example in Windows Explorer type the Following address: \ \ ip-address-server or \ \ name-servers.

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